关键词:生物质炭;土壤活性有机物质;有机碳的氧化稳定性 中图分类号:Sl53.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009—2242(2012)02—0127—05 EffectsofBiochar’sApplicationonActiveOrganicCarbonFractionsinSoil ZHANGMing—kui ,WalelignDBayou.TANGHong-juan (1.InstituteofSoilandWaterResourceandEnvironmentalScience,Collegeof...
Labile organic carbon (LOC) fractions and related enzyme activities in soils are considered to be early and sensitive indicators of soil quality changes. We investigated the influences of fertilization and residue incorporation on LOC fractions, enzyme activities, and the carbon pool management index (...
Restoration of soil organic carbon (SOC) in agricultural soils can not only improve soil quality but also influence climate change and agronomic productivity. With about half of its land area under agricultural use, China exhibits vast potential for carbon (C) sequestration that needs to be ...
However, there have been few studies over this period on the impacts of intensification on soil organic carbon (SOC) at the regional level. The present study was conducted in Huantai County, a typical intensive farming region in northern China, to analyze the temporal dynamics of SOC influenced...
Soil organic carbon(SOC) is one of the largest terrestrial carbon pools, playing a vital role in regulating a wide range of biological functions and ecosystem processes such as nutrient mobilization, cycling, availability, sequestration, and global carbon dynamics (Yang et al., 2022). The dynamic...
carbon, an essential source of energy for soil microbes, the stability of organic carbon in deep soil layers is maintained. We propose that a lack of supply of fresh carbon may prevent the decomposition of the organic carbon pool in deep soil layers in response to future changes in ...
The long-term (45 years) effect of applications of manure (FYM) and inorganic (NPK) fertilizers on soil aggregate characteristics and soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration was studied in surface soil of a Typic Haplustalf sandy loam. Soils from four treatments: inorganic fertilizer in ...
BEIJING, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- A group of Chinese researchers issued a data map of the soil organic carbon (SOC) content for global black soil regions, shedding light on the quantification of agro-ecosystems and global food security, according to the recent issue of the journal Remote Sensing...
Abstract Soils store two or three times more carbon than exists in the atmosphere as CO2, and it is thought that the temperature sensitivity of decomposing organic matter in soil partly determines how much carbon will be transferred to the atmosphere as a result of global warming1. Giardina and...
Microbial mechanisms associated with soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition are poorly understood. We aim to determine the effects of inorganic and organic fertilizers on soil labile carbon (C) pools, microbial community structure and C mineralization rate under an intensive wheat-maize double cropping...