It started with aromatherapy – my bathroom cabinet has probably close to 25 bottles of essential oils for anything from a Christmas seasonal blend that doubles as a defense for the immune system to a blend for bug spray and plenty of my usual favorite, lavender. I keep a diffuser at home ...
Nursery is open anytime with a phone call 206-679-6576. Fruiting plants like apple trees,grapes, kiwi, raspberry, currants, gooseberry and more. Absolutely zero chemicals-we use clay spray on our apples which is white and edible and kills nothing but deters the pests. Apples priced by pound...
You can and it’s pretty darned easy. Unlike traditional gardening, if you go organic, there are a lot of things you will NEVER have to buy. You do not have to buy any chemicals or herbicides. You don’t have to have fancy sprayers or a rototiller – not even one of those small ...
During this study, five different organic fungicides Ridomil gold,Thiophanate-methyl, Metalaxyl + Mancozeb, Dithane M-45 and Benomyl at the rate of 5g/l weresprayed on mature and healthy apple trees to control this disease. Fungicides were applied with sprayschedule of 15 days interval. Eight ...
The food shortages and are now being openly discussed, even in mainstream circles. For instance, Carolyn Dimitri, associate professor of nutrition and food studies at New York University, says: “Because agriculture is so labor dependent, if you end up having a huge outbreak during the planting...
WATERING If possible, save and use rainwater for irrigation. If not, add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per gallon of water or Garrett Juice at half spray mix rate. FEEDING SCHEDULE Round #1: organic fertilizer or dry molasses @ 20 lbs. / 1,000 sq. ft., zeolite @ 40 lbs. /...