functional groups prefixes and suffixes 21個詞語 Parent Names for Alkanes (Organic Chemistry) 10個詞語 Organic Chemistry II, Carbohydrates and Glucose 11個詞語 FUNCTIONAL GROUPS 17個詞語 CH 320M 37個詞語 Sym 1-2 21個詞語 Ochem exam 1
A level Chemistry: Topic 5 - Formulae, Equations and Amounts of Substance 73 terms WJEC AS Chemistry (1.2 basic ideas about atoms) 56 terms 6.1.3 Carboxylic Acids and Esters 23 terms Practice questions for this set Learn 1 / 7 Reactions often need to be heated to work: ...
Produces a racemic mixture of L- and D- amino acids Inorganic phosphate Derived from phosphoric acid, the molecule that forms the high-energy bonds for energy storage in nucleotide triphosphates like ATP; also used for enzyme regulation.