The nucleus and vacuole are labeled N and V; the peripheral filamentous structure is the mitochondrion. There are multiple, randomly dispersed copies of mitochondria throughout the cell cycle in many cell types (4, 52), so they only need mechanisms to ensure a doubling in mass and the ...
Mitochondria were isolated by using magnetically labeled anti-TOM22 microbeads53. CryoET tomograms of isolated mitochondria (Fig. 6a, b) looked like those in HD neurites, containing enlarged granules in Q109 and small granules in Q18 (Fig. 1a, f, Fig. 6a, b). In quality control ...
resemble the single-celled ancestors of the animal kingdom37,40. Studying choanoflagellates could therefore provide important insights into the cell biological mechanisms of animal origins40. The discovery of neuronal vesicle transport protein homologs in choanoflagellates47, and the holozoan origin of...
Cells were labeled with 3 × mEmerald-ensconsin (MTs, green) and mCherry-KDEL (ER, magenta) for two-color imaging, as well as HaloTag-Lamp1 (LE/Lyso, yellow) for three-color imaging. In addition to these three mechanisms, where growing ER tubules interact directly with MTs, we also ...
Heterogeneity of LD-associated proteins in a cell. Huh7 cells were multiple-labeled by BODIPY493/503 (green) and by anti-TIP47 (red) and anti-ADRP (blue) antibodies. The LDs marked by BODIPY493/503 are mostly positive for ADRP alone (arrows), although the intensity of the ADRP labeling...
Heterogeneity of LD-associated proteins in a cell. Huh7 cells were multiple-labeled by BODIPY493/503 (green) and by anti-TIP47 (red) and anti-ADRP (blue) antibodies. The LDs marked by BODIPY493/503 are mostly positive for ADRP alone (arrows), although the intensity of the ADRP labeling...
Using structured illumination microscopy (SIM), we imaged TMEM16K and Rab7-positive endosomes, and visualized dually labeled ER-endosome contact sites (Fig. 5c–e). Next, we used the split-GFP system to specifically evaluate TMEM16K interorganelle contact sites. Split-GFP reconstitution has been ...
(SEC23), SEC31, GRASP55, GRASP65, RAB10 and RAB35, IFT20 and IFT88. All antibodies labeled organelles or cellular structures unrelated to MVTs (Supplementary Fig.1). We previously showed that dendritic ORs do not colocalize with RAB4A, RAB6B, RAB8A/B, RAB11A/B or the Golgi markers...
6H, the U87CD4CCR5 cells were labeled as HIV-infected astrocytes and corresponded to the cell type indicated as 0 μm, and diffusion of the factors examined in the U87MG area of the culture is indicated with positive numbers (Fig. 6D–H). The location of the cells on the plate was ...
PS2, either wt or T122R, was immunolabeled by an anti-PS2 antibody. Scale bar, 10 μm. Single-cell analysis of Ca2+ handling was performed in cells co-expressing PS2 and one of the three probes, D4ER, medialGo-D1cpv or Go-D1cpv. Cells were excited at 425 nm and the ...