29. The diagrams below show two different organ systems in the human body.X(a) Based on the diagrams, complete the table shown below.[2]Substance that Name of system Name of organ passes through the that the organ organ belongs to Xwindpipe Yfood(b) Name another organ in the digestive ...
29. The diagrams below show two different organ systems in the human body.X Y(a) Based on the diagrams, complete the table shown below.{2Substance that Name of system Name of organ passes through the that the organ organ belongs to windpipe Air Respiratory YGullet food Digestive(b) Name ...
What is the largest bone in the body? Which one is the longest muscle in the human body? What part of the human body has the most bones? What is the largest joint in the human body? What are the organ systems in the human body?
What is the human body's biggest organ? Organs An organ is a group of specialized tissues that work together to perform a specific job or function. There are twelve organ systems in the human body and they include the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lympha...
What is the most important organ in the digestive system? What are the organ systems in the human body? What is the largest organ system in the body? What organ system is the cecum in? What organ system gives your body structure?
1 The gas exchange system is one of the organ systems of the human body.Fig. 1.1 shows parts of the gas exchange system during breathing in and breathing out.breathing in breathing out intercostal muscles vertebrae sternum diaphragm Fig. 1.1(a)Complete Table 1.1 to show:. the functions of ...
31. The human body is made up of different organ systems working together.(a)State the main function of the human circulatory system.【1}It is to transport blood rleh in oxygen and digested food to all parts of the body. It will also transport blood rieh. fn carhon doxidesback to th...
Whenyouareperformingavigorousphysicalactivityonasunnyday,numerousorgansystemswithinthehumanbodyareworkingtogethertomaintainastateofhomeostasis.Withtheaidofaflowchartexplainthisinteraction.TheHumanDigestiveSystem Foodundergoesfourmajorprocesses:•Ingestion–thetakinginofnutrients•Digestion–thebreakdownofcomplexorganic mole...
Which organ system supports the body and allows it to move? What is the organ system that moves blood around your body? What are the organ systems in the human body? What are the main organs of the peripheral nervous system? Which two organs make up the central nervous system?
The human body is made up of several organ systems that work together as one unit. In thepyramid of lifethat organizes all of the elements of life into categories, organ systems are nested between an organism and its organs. Organ systems are the groups of organs that are within an organis...