Splenectomies and heterotopic transplantation of vascularized heart and kidney grafts were performed as follows15,44,45: Splenectomy—a 1–1.5 cm left flank incision midway between the last rib and the hip bone was made, followed by a peritoneal incision. Splenic vein and artery were tied off ...
2a). This complete saturation of the reticular lamina vibration indicates the sensitive cochlear condition, under which harmonic distortion products were measured. The displacement of second harmonics of the reticular lamina measured at 60-dB SPL shows two peaks (dotted red line in Fig. 2a), one ...
26,30,32] are located in the primary bronchi (Figure7). Additional file2contains the interactive 3D model in which all structures are switched on initially. Although both left and right sides can be interactively accessed in Additional file2, we will here focus on the right side of the male...
Apparently De Coppi and Birchall had plans to use the technology to regenerate diaphragm, the huge muscle at the bottom of the rib cage which pulls the lungs so we can breath. It is not a good idea to try replacing it with something which you dragged out of the lab, even with what y...
Splenectomies and heterotopic transplantation of vascularized heart and kidney grafts were performed as follows15,44,45: Splenectomy—a 1–1.5 cm left flank incision midway between the last rib and the hip bone was made, followed by a peritoneal incision. Splenic vein and artery were tied off...
participated in the first set of experiments. Under visual control, a gold-foiled insert earphone electrode was positioned inside the external ear canal, as close as possible to the tympanic membrane. The ground electrode was attached to the mastoid process on the other side and a reference elect...
Since then, research about dietary regression of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) has been heavily outweighed by studies based on pharmacological approaches [14]. Similarly, the favorable effects of sodium intake restriction in related fields such as stroke prevention, proteinuria reduction, and cardiov...
Notably, microfluidics also makes it possible to analyze responses under flow, which is crucial for controlling bone marrow physiology [143,144]. The bone-marrow-on-a-chip offers an intriguing alternative to animal models because it allows for the in vitro manipulation of specific hematopoietic ...