以下是一个简单的 orgChart JS 使用示例: 代码语言:txt 复制 <!DOCTYPE html> OrgChart Example var chart = new OrgChart(document.getElementById("chart-container"), { data: { id: "1", name: "CEO", children: [ { id: "2", name: "CTO", children: [{ id: "3", name: ...
BALKAN OrgChartJS 安装 总体来说,下载JS文件->引用JS->编写Json对象->生成tree结构的图表,该框架是老外写的也提供了一个实时运行JS的平台,https://code.balkan.app/org-chart-js/light-mode#JS 下载Js文件 下载文件并解压缩文件并将其添加到您的根目录。下载地址:https://orgchartjs.balkan.app/js/get/free...
1.引用css2.引用js3.ajax获得json数据 14.2$('#chart-container').orgchart({3'data': json,4'nodeContent': 'm_name',5'nodeTitle': 'm_no' 6}); 1json数据2[WebMethod]4publicstaticstringGetChart()5{6BLL.T_Member bll =newBLL.T_Member();7Model.T_Member model = bll.GetModel(1);8Lis...
We make interactive diagrams BALKANOrgChart JS Organization Chart JavaScript for developers BALKANFlowChart JS FlowChart JavaScript for developers BALKANFamilyTree JS Family Tree JavaScript for developers BALKANFamilyTree App Family Tree Application BALKAN App Customers...
js部分 //机构图import OrgChart from '@balkangraph/orgchart.js/orgchart'import { group, groupDisable, personIcon, personBg, personBgDisable, deptIcon, deptBg, deptBgDisable } from'./img/groupImg.js'exportdefaultclass Chart { constructor(dom, treeData, direction= 'top') {this.direction = dire...
Interactive Gantt chart featuring tasks, task groups and milestones. Drag dependencies between tasks and use the inspector to update task names and their progress. Configurable and comprehensive timeline options and a neat scroll effect using floated labels. Chatbot Builder Use JsPlumb to build a chat...
https://github.com/bumbeishvili/org-chart/blob/5be7e0962e46013b3a95dd19f41f829c3c853d1f/src/d3-org-chart.js#L41 Be aware that they are chainable, so if we wanted to set multiple properties, we would do this constchart=newOrgChart().data(ourData).container(ourDomElementOrCssSelector...
npm i vue3-org-chart Usage JS entry point import{createApp}from'vue'importAppfrom'./App.vue'import{Vue3OrgChartPlugin}from'vue3-org-chart'import'vue3-org-chart/dist/style.css'constapp=createApp(App)app.use(Vue3OrgChartPlugin)app.mount('#app') ...
//legendTemplate takes a template as a string, you can populate the template with values from ...
If you want to use the drag-and-drop functionality you'll need to include jQuery UI too: The core CSS is necessary to perform some of the basic styling i.e. The HTML You'll need to construct a nest