Great for testing and POC work. litestar-fullstack: A reference application that contains most of the boilerplate required for a web application. It features a Litestar app configured with best practices, SQLAlchemy 2.0 and SAQ, a frontend integrated with Vitejs and Jinja2 templates, Docker, ...
Juan Riveros📖 David Brochart📖 Sean Donoghue📖 P.C. Shyamshankar🐛 💻 ⚠️ William Evonosky💻 geeshta📖 💻 🐛 Robert Rosca📖 DICE_Lab💻 Luis San Pablo💻 ⚠️ 📖 Pastukhov Nikita📖 James O'Claire📖 Pete📖 Alexandre Richonnier💻 📖 betaboon💻 Dennis Bra...
on average, 78 days longer than in the mid-1980s1. The trend for the number of acres burned annually by wildfire indicates a doubling of acres burned since 1960 (see Chart 1.). Cumulative drought, extensive insect kill in
private boolean hasAccess(final PFUserDO user, final GanttChartDO obj, final GanttAccess access) { if (accessChecker.userEqualsToContextUser(obj.getOwner()) == true) { // Owner has always access: return true; } if (access == null || access == GanttAccess.OWNER) { // No access ...
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Materials/Methods A retrospective chart review was performed (institutional review board approved) in patients treated between 1999 and 2010 and 47 patients (age > 70) with adequate information were selected for analysis. All patients were Stage I (AJCC 6th ed), biopsy proven non-small cell ...
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