R-reason(tell your readers why you feel this way) 原因 E-Example/explanation/Evidence(give your reader some examples of why you feel this way) 例证或论据,正如夹心的奥利奥饼干,用丰富的例证或论据支持观点, 才能更好增加文章的说服力和可读性。 O-opinion(tell your readers one more time about your...
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到这里,一篇简单的Opinion Writing 就差不多写好了。 OREO 表格可以帮助我们根据Opinion, Reason, Example, Opinion的文章结构来梳理写作思路,同学们可以根据每一栏的提示填写,并依照填好的表格进行文章写作。 当孩子完全掌握,我们就可以让孩子脱离这个模板,将其中的内...
而在英美学校,教孩子写作也是按这三种文体来的:议论文,他们那里叫 Opinion Writing, 记叙文叫 Narrative Writing, 说明文叫 Informative Writing 其中,Opinion Writing 是他们从幼儿园到小学、中学都是十分强调的文体。因为这种文体最实用。 在最初的阶段,老师会花很多时间跟孩子们解释,什么叫一个人的观点-Opinion?简...
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1.PPT 展示 OREO 图片,学生直观体会 opinion writing 的结构模式, 2.幻灯片展示 OREO opinion writing 的具体结构 Opinion- give your opinion Reason - give a reason for having this opinion 1. 2. Example: give an example that supports your opinion 1. 2. Opinion- Restate your opinion 3.按照这个结...
1.PPT展示OREO图片,学生直观体会opinionwriting的结构模式, 2.幻灯片展示OREOopinionwriting的具体结构 Opinion-giveyouropinion Reason-giveareasonfor having this opinion 1. 2. Example: give an example that supports your opinion 1. 2. Opinion- Restate your opinion 3.按照这个结构分析课文内容。 4.举例给...
1、Teaching Analysis,Opinion WritingGo For It 8B Unit7,东莞中学初中部 徐秀媚,Summer 2017.3.24 桂林,Lead in,Do you like traveling with classmates?,Learning by traveling,Topic,Beijing,London,Singapore,Where will we go this summer?,Writing Task,Tour For Free! Where will you go? Please tell us...
So these were the three simple methods to Hide Persistent Notifications on Android Oreo. You can go with any of these methods to fulfill your requirement. In my opinion, you can go with the 3rd method as it doesn’t need any other app to download and you have to do some little tweaks...
对大多数孩子来说,写作的目标是把事情说清楚。我们从小按三种基本文体学写作:议论文、记叙文、说明文。而在英美学校,教孩子写作也是按这三种文体来的:议论文,他们那里叫 Opinion Writing, 记叙文叫 Narrative Writing, 说明文叫 Informative Writing 其中,Opinion Writing 是他们从幼儿园到小学、中学都是十分强调的文体...