大部分学生一年都只会上三个学期的课程,summer term(6-9月)是暑假的时间,可以选择休息。
一,乘着summer term疯狂修学分,因为这个学期学费更低而且不限制学分,然后就可以提早毕业。
As we close out the rainy season, this summer looks pretty epic, complete with scenic outdoor shows, and a bevy of major touring acts coming to Oregon and southwest Washington. We kick the season off with more intimate shows like Portland-based rock band Nonbinary Girlfriend at...
Finisher prizes include an entry to win a family 4-pack of tickets to a Trailblazers game, and much more. Plus, there are special events going on throughout the summer for everyone! Special Summer Events (for all ages) Friday, June 1st: Summer Reading begins! Saturday, June 16th, 12 pm...
Summer Session at Oregon State University is a great way to begin, continue or advance your education through more than 1,300 courses, from agriculture to zoology. Students can also take accelerated and online classes offered during a variety of sessions. Everyone pays in-state tuition during the...
Oregon Wildlife; Vol.53 No.1 (Summer 1996) 来自 ir.library.oregonstate.edu 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 作者: Oregon. Department of Fish 摘要: Contents: Interagency Effort to Save Salmon Matures Quickly - p.4-5; Mid-Coast Stream Restoration Project - p.5-6; A "Team" Approach ["Teaming ...
And that's what's happening.Former Oregon state climatologist George Taylor said spells of summer rain don't necessarily track with larger weather patterns. He noted that July 1993 was similarly rainy, but it came in the midst of several El Ni[+ or -]o years, just the opposite of La ...
and invite you to consider that these words, as with so many others we hear in different teachings, are not so much prescriptions to do something, in order to arrive somewhere else or get ourself to some other state, but rather descriptions of the way things actually are – the way realit...
The Oregon Film History Initiative celebrated its 20th birthday today by blowing out candles on 20 virtual cakes scattered throughout the state. Founded in 2013 by a group of librarians and historians, OFHI’s original mission was to ensure that key documents and artifacts essential to a full ...