alongside a skunk and a magpie. Police transported all six of the corpses to the US Fish and Wildlife Service forensic lab in Ashland, Oregon, where necropsies confirmed that all six wolves,
In 2018, the Oregon State Police Medical Examiner’s Office was awarded a federal grant to perform innovative DNA techniques on unsolved unidentified skeletal remains cases. This case was recognized as one that could potentially be resolved by DNA phenotyping and investigative genetic ...
Chalker, Bill. Hair of the Alien: DNA and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abduction.New York: Paraview Pocket Books, 2005. 341pp. ISBN 0-7434-9286-2. A top notch Australian researcher presents evidence that demands attention. DNA tests on hair found within the context of alien abduction t...
" said Dr. Judy Ho, a clinical and forensic neuropsychologist. "At the same time, it does involve a lot of revisiting the feeling they had when they first found out that their child had been murdered."
An “incendiary device” was found attached to the side of a ballot drop box when Portland Police responded about 3:30 a.m. Monday, and security personnel extinguished the fire, the Portland Police Bureausaid in a statement. CNN has reached out to the bureau, which declined to comment on ...
An “incendiary device” was found attached to the side of a ballot drop box when Portland Police responded about 3:30 a.m. Monday, and security personnel extinguished the fire, the Portland Police Bureausaid in a statement. CNN has reached out to the bureau, which declined to com...