The natives loaded his ship with sea-otter skins in exchange for the merest trifles. The value of these skins was not suspected, until the ship touched at Asiatic and European ports where they were sold for fabulous prices. The commercial value of the northwest had been discovered. The ships...
Outlook:Defense is, and has always been, key to the Techsters identity under Knox, but he said this year’s group may be the best passing team he’s coached while at Benson. Chandler-Roberts, a two-time PIL Player of t...
The X.500 key name for stateOrProvinceName ( OID is "S". This value is different from the RFC 1779 X.500 key name ("ST"). " Unfortunately it looks like ST=Oregon will not work, and you'll need a subject name with S=Oregon....
Longtime residents of gentrifying neighborhoods may experience profound change and alienation, the breakdown of informal place-based networks of exchange, the loss of gathering spaces and institutions, symbolic manifestations of socioeconomic inequality, and the increased racialization of the public space… ...
He had made an exchange of horses to our mutual126 advantage; and Paul, thinking himself well-treated, had declared everywhere that the white man had a good heart. He was a Dakota from the Missouri, a reputed son of the half-breed interpreter, Pierre Dorion, so often mentioned in Irving...