Traveling afoot in bitter cold, often waist deep in snow, they were the first white men in this area. The route they traveled to and from St. Louis and Astoria developed into the emigrant route to the Oregon Country later know as the Oregon … Read More...
Three themes were chosen for the interior design: (1) Indian (2) Pioneer and (3) Nature. Majorie Hoffman Smith was in charge of the interior design. She wielded a strong sense of how these three themes would mingle. Her word was law. No one questioned her. There were no power saws o...
Emissions Inventory Crater Lake National Park, OR Emission factors produced by the USEPA MOBILE6.2 model were used in conjunction with VMT data in order to estimate mobile source emissions for VOC (both exhaust and evaporative), NOx, CO, and PM1o (exhaust, brake, and tire) for visitor ...