Notice of Rent Increase 11/2023 Price$7.99 View Sample edit O2 Notice of Rent Increase Week-to-Week Tenancy 12/2021 Price$7.99 View Sample edit O3 Notice of Lease Renewal 11/2023 Price$7.99 View Sample edit O4 24-Hour Notice to Enter ...
The allowable annualrent increasein2025is10.0%unless exempt.Only one rent increase may be issued in any 12-month period. Landlord subject to the rules of thePortland Housing Bureauor theEugene Rental Housing Codehave additional restrictions. Visit
Senate Bill 608 immediately enacted rent regulations across the state, overturning the state’s previous ban on rent control of any kind. About 500,000 households will be affected by the new law. The act has two parts: a rental increase cap and a tightening of rules for evictions. All ...
For context, on a national scale, housing supply in January 2023 sat at a 3.2-month supply, representing a 1.71% year-over-year increase. Meanwhile, the rental vacancy rate for Portland as of January 2023 was 4.8%, representing a decrease of 0.8% from one year prior, based o...
Oregon Public Health Institute. (2012). Rental Housing and Health Equity in Portland, Oregon: A Health Impact Assessment of the City's Rental Housing Inspections Program. June, 2012....
Increases: There is no limit to amount a landlord may increase rent. (Or. Rev. Stat. § 91.225) Rent Increase Notice: A landlord must give a 90 day written notice before increasing the rent for month-to-month tenants. A landlord may not increase the rent within the first year of a mo...
Independent senior living in Corvallis, OR, just minutes from Owens Farms and Chip Ross Park. Schedule a tour of Holiday Regent retirement community today.
Home buyers who’ve been priced out of the single-family market and could use some income generated by their property to lower their housing costs. Renters with roommates who want to become property owners and want to buy a place to live in and rent out the other units to their roommates...
Rent control was approved in the state and is perhaps a tool for Portland’s leaders, but no one is certain yet if it will increase or decrease the supply of affordable housing. The Black Lives Matter demonstrations that began in 2020, and the deep disillusionment behind them, strongly ...