Prevailing wage survey in Oregon may be changedJustin Carinci
Oregon bill streamlines prevailing wage comparisonsStephanie Basalyga
We will see another effort to disconnect Oregon from some of the Opportunity Zone provisions of the 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. With Tonkon Torp’s help, the CRE sector was successful in in defeating such measures in the 2019 and 2020 sessions, and we’re ready to tackl...
A) wage rates B) income security C) time off with pay D) unpaid medical leave By law, do employers have to pay for forced quarantine? Is a leave of absence the same as being laid off? At the Children's Hospital in Seattle, there are, on average, 40 births per week. Mother and ...
Prevailing wage changes announced in OregonJustin Carinci
Oregon prevailing wage bill dies in committeeNick Bjork
Tom Henderson
Knight Silent as Oregon Senate Passes Prevailing Wage BillHenderson, Tom
Justin Carinci
Libby Tucker