Current Time10:46 AM Pacific11:46 AM Mountain12:46 PM Central1:46 PM Eastern18:46 UTC Road Conditions & CamerasSnow CameraForecastForecast DiscussionNWS Daily Briefing Wallowa County Info.Pacific Power OutagesUSA Power OutagesNews HiveJoseph RepeatersHive Map WeatherBee's Radio Feeds Police, Fire,...
- Toggle traffic information on the map. - Toggle auto refresh of camera images (will refresh every 10 seconds). - Toggle always show map on app launch. - Toggle winter road conditions. - You can configure which incidents are displayed according to the severity of the delay caused. - Miles...
USFS, and ODOT Communications. WeatherBee's Radio Feeds Police, Fire, Medic, & Road Dept. Communications. NOAA Weather Radio Covering Wallowa County & NE Oregon HomeMobile SiteHive MapAbout & Contact Current Time2:15 AM Pacific3:15 AM Mountain4:15 AM Central5:15 AM Eastern10:15 UTC ...
ODOT has trained workers in push, pull, drag training; meaning if someone is blocking the road, the road crew will move it by any method needed, so emergency vehicles can get through. The roads around central Oregon have steep shoulders and drop offs, so pulling over isn’t a great opti...
With Oregon Road Report you can view OSP incidents, ODOT road conditions, chain control, road closures and highway cameras in Oregon on your iPhone or iPad on the go! - View OSP Incidents in areas nearby in map mode Each OSP incident reported contains the time of occurrence, location, and...
- Toggle traffic information on the map. - Toggle auto refresh of camera images (will refresh every 10 seconds). - Toggle always show map on app launch. - Toggle winter road conditions. - You can configure which incidents are displayed according to the severity of the delay caused. - Miles...
Figure 1. Location map of Mickey Springs (MS) in relation to Alvord Valley (AV) and Borax Lake in the Pueblo Valley (PV) in southeastern Oregon. High-stand elevation of pluvial Lake Alvord is outlined in black at 1292 m, before outburst flood at Big Sand Gap (BSG) in the Tule Springs...