Origins of the Trail Life on the Trail Oregon Territory Long before the arrival of Lewis and Clark, the Oregon Territory was home to many groups of Native Americans. These included the Nez Perce, Klamath, Tillamook and Northern Paiute. It became disputed land -- at times claimed by Russia,...
THE LEWIS AND CLARK--OREGON TRAIL CONNECTIONTompkins, JimOverland Journal (07381093)
Settled in 1827, the county was named for Andrew Jackson, and the community of Independence was named the county seat in that year. Near the western terminus of transportation on the Missouri River, Independence was the starting point for the Santa Fe, Oregon, and California trails and later ...
Corps of Discovery – The Lewis & Clark Expedition George Donner – Leading the Infamous Donner Party John C. Fremont – The Pathfinder Hall Jackson Kelley – Promoting the Oregon Trail Charles Preuss – Mapping the Oregon Trail Dr. Marcus Whitman – Missionary to the Cayuse Nathaniel Jarvis Wye...
Explore more U.S. states and territories facts and photos Get facts and photos of the U.S. states and territories, and the District of Columbia. Video: 50 Birds, 50 States Native Americans Countries Legal Terms of Use Privacy Policy Your US State Privacy Rights Children's Online Privacy ...
Hike to the western terminius of the Lewis and Clark expedition on this 5-mile loop to the Pacific coast. BACKPACKERMagazine PublishedSep 20, 2013 Oregon Trails Portland: Takena Landing Park This 3.6-mile dayhike is a fast way to get your wildlife fix: birds strut the riverside, deer hid...
Best Hikes in the Lewis and Clark National Historical Park The eponymous fort on the Fort to Sea Trail.(Photo: Matt Wastradowski) In 1805-1806, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led the Corps of Discovery on a cross-continent trek to document the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific N...
Set out into the wilderness with Lewis and Clark or ride along on the Oregon and Santa Fe Trails with the pioneers who built the West. This series presents the important events and people that shaped United States history through interesting text and historically accurate photos and drawings. Eac...
Following exploration by the Spanish in the 17th and 18th centuries, Lewis and Clark mapped Oregon during their expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. Starting in the 1830s, many groups of pioneers traveled to the state on the famous Oregon Trail, and the U.S. began joint settlement...
The trail follows a route taken by Captain William Clark, of Lewis and Clark, through rainforests and past breathtaking viewpoints. The trail climbs steeply from the Seaside trailhead, but soon levels out. About two miles in you get a view of the old Tillamook Rock Lighthouse (aka “Terrible...