We strive to ensure our members have all the resources they need to make informed decisions about their health plan selection and accessing quality care.
However, like the experimental drug that performs no better than a placebo, the Oregon Health Plan has produced results that are not significantly different from the outcomes seen by the U.S. as a whole. Over the life of the plan, the share of uninsured in Oregon has not been ...
ios_shareSharethumb_up0thumb_down0 liveinsurancenews.com In Oregon, a panel of lawmakers recently received two days of public testimony at its Capitol in Salem regarding a proposed nine-member governance board that would be responsible for developing auniversal health care planto provide coverage ...
Maggie Bennington-Davis is chief medical officer at Health Share of Oregon, the state’s largest coordinated care organization, which delivers health care of all types to people covered by the Medicaid-funded Oregon Health Plan. She said she’s encouraged by the ...
Health Share of Oregon is the state's biggest Medicaid CCO (coordinated care organization) that provides service to the Oregon Health Plan[2]members that are from Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas. The information that was located on the stolen laptop included names, surnames, residence addresses...
“Health-related social needs services provide Oregon Health Plan members foundational support during a time of transition,” said Holly Heiberg, Medicaid Policy Director at OHA. “Acentra Health will be i...
January 2021 – Clarissa S., WA Resident,Modern Hipster Mama:“Enjoying Oregon right now is entirely dependent on what you plan to do. Most of the urban experiences and restaurants that make places like Portland appealing are currently unavailable, and the cold weather and winter rain makes dini...
kids and families to access innovative, comprehensive therapies is part of Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Therapies’ mission statement. More than 60% of the families served by the clinics are insured through the state’s version of Medicaid known as the Oregon Health Pla...
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14. Crisis plan (if applicable 15. Health and Physical (from PCP – if not readily applicable, you can submit the packet and work on this with the client, as it must be completed before move-in to any residential program) If packets are not complete we will request all documentation prio...