State gun laws are usually more comprehensive than federal law. Still, state laws that regulate the purchase and use of guns vary quite a bit from state to state, often reflecting regional traditions and attitudes toward guns. Some states require a permit for buying a gun or include a waiting...
The best Gun Lawyers in the State of Oregon. Restoring the Right to Purchase and Possess Firearms anywhere in Oregon. Clearing criminal records. Helping you hunt and lawfully protect yourself again.
Judges come down hard on people who are convicted of weapons offenses. Your situation and the circumstance surrounding your case may have been misinterpreted or blown out of proportion. And even if you may have violated Oregon’s strict gun laws, this doesn’t mean you are a violent criminal....
Letter: Oregon needs better gun law enforcement, not more gun lawsGun control is a fear-driven response to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.Statesman Journal
(Oregon Capital Chronicle) Oregon voters passed a ballot measure that will tighten the state’s gun control laws despite deep opposition to it in rural areas. Measure 114 will end a loophole in federal law that allows firearm dealers to sell guns without a background check if it’s not comp...
Oregon Measure 114, which passed with 50.7% of votes, calls for a ban on the sale, transfer and manufacture of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds; requires a permit to purchase a gun; and bars a gun sale or gun transfer before a background check is
The Gun Control Act of 1968 updated verbiage on destructive devices to include things like bombs, mines, and grenades, and added the definition for machine guns. The bill also banned guns with no sporting purpose; mandated an age restriction of 21 and older for the purchase of handguns; ...
Oregon Prepared to Institute ‘One of the Most Extreme’ Gun Restrictions in the Country October 31, 2022Ohio Star Staff Oregon voters are considering passing one of the most restrictive gun control measures in the country that would raise the barriers to purchase a firearm and place gun owners...
He argued that Measure 114 is unlike other laws in that it’s not “aimed at dangerous practices” or actions historically considered dangerous, such as firing a gun in a public place or carrying a concealed gun. “The law must satisfy th...
Prozanski had hoped to close a gap in the current background check law that exempts private firearms sales, meaning a felon could purchase a weapon person-to-person off Craigslist, from a friend or even in the parking lot of a gun show, where background checks are mandatory until you step...