disrespecting congressional grantees, which we publish here:Jefferson Mining District and South West Oregon Mining Association Joint Statement on the proposed mineral withdrawalThe PUBLIC NOTICE of the unlawfulness of the proceedings to date and that of the legislation proposed, as well the fiduciary br...
Oregon's Forest Practices Act was the first in the nation to regulate private lands when the state adopted it in 1971. But disputes over it have bubbled up around the state. In southwest Oregon, much of the congressional delegation favors applying the more lenient rules on 1.5 million acres ...
I've seen congressional specials in California where turnout is 8-15%. Hey Steve, I was under the impression that my S-Corp, which some years makes very little and other years makes a reasonable number of projects go... well, in a zilch year such as this...
Vincent C, Hanson L, Bermejo L (2020) Federal land ownership: Overview and data. Congressional Research Service.https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R42346. Accessed 14 June 2021 Walsh M, Whitlock C, Bartlein P (2010, November 10) 1200 years of fire and vegetation history in the...