In 2010, the Oregon Food Stamp Program officially changed to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as part of a federally funded plan to assist low-income families with food purchases and nutrition education. SNAP income limits depend on your household size, age, income sources, ass...
According to the microbreweries, the obligation to affix stamps to their cans and glass bottles is both unnecessary and time-consuming… Since 1971, the law has required a duty stamp to be affixed to all beer sold in restaurants and bars. The original aim was to prevent smuggling and tax ...
We're lucky, as where we moved is within walking distance of a grocery store (unfortunately it's an expensive Albertsons), a movie theater, a few fast food restaurants, and our favorite Mexican restaurant. So my daughter and I regularly go for walks to these places. But plenty of people ...
fields that used to provide high pay to a mostly male workforce, have lifted the relative earnings of married women, even among those in mid-level positions such as teachers, nurses or administrators. The jump in working women has been especially prominent among those ...