While theTroutfishing season has ended on most streams and rivers, the action is still ongoing on Oregon’s lakes. The recipe for good fishing is simple – base your destination on theTrout stocking scheduleand there’ll be fish to catch. When it comes to Salmon fishing, it’s again a q...
Check out the2025 stocking schedule. Trout stocking maps Check out theODFW fishing and trout stocking mapsto find nearby fishing locations, driving directions and descriptions of amenities. Announcements Ice fishing safety While several water bodies have iced over, anglers still need to be cautious ab...
There will always be visions, obsessing and planning to fill my year-round fishing schedule. With this year, 2024, being the last year that hatchery smolts are being released in the upper Willamette watershed, the last returns of hatchery summer steelhead up my way will be in 2026, so I ...