If you are wondering how to get a replacement car title in Oregon, note that the state DMV only processes paper applications for lost car title copies submitted in person or by mail. While the requirements for replacing a lost or damaged vehicle title generally remain the same between these t...
* DMV Cedar Hills closed until January 17 • Cedar Hills Ready! The Big One? • Sunset Youth Baseball • TriMet fare increase Open Houses • Takumi Kato Japanese Drum Concert • Bonny Slope Elementary’s Pancake Breakfast returns in February! • Dance Around the World • Winter sto...
The back of the title must include the correct odometer reading. If the title is lost or damaged, the seller can request a new one through the DMV. The seller must then give the DMVnotice of the saleof the vehicle in 10 days or fewer. ...
OTIRO Oregon Rating Manual Page 10 - 5 10.078 OWNER'S INFLATION ENDORSEMENT (OTIRO END. NO. 78) This endorsement may be issued for an owner's policy, if and only if the policy is issued with respect to a one-to-four family residential property. The charge for this endorsement is $...