Search for useful links to Oregon's state, county and city courts, criminal and vital records. Browse crime statistics, census data, birth and death information, education and background history of Oregon residents. Also find current real estate housing data, property and land values. View state...
Get Portland & Oregon census data & demographics. Find population, crime, sports, political and other interesting statistics at
The Jefferson County Sherifff, Jim Adkinsf, is the head law enforcement officer in the county. Washington County . Crime, statistics, reports, links 5 Like Age: 20 Around 8 of the 180 complaints were filed against violent people. Inmate Number: 19371 Age: 36 NEW! June 8th, 2021 by ...
All township, district, and county, officers, not herein otherwise provided for, shall be appointed or elected, in such manner as shall be provided by the legislative assembly of the territory of Oregon. 8.-Sect. 8. No member of the legislative assembly shall hold, or be appointed to, ...
important to note that the geographic definitions here do not perfectly align. Downtown recoveries are measured at the zip code level. Homelessness data is counted at the CoC level, which is usually by county in large metro areas. Crime statistics are reported at the department or city level....
CyberCrime: If you have reason to believe you may be the victim of an online crime, such as identity theft, fraud, infringement, or hacking, you may contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center,, a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National Whi...
Oregon Self-Service & Provisions Map: Self-serve gas laws by county Where self-service gas is prohibited:Columbia, Washington, Multnomah, Yamhill, Clackamas, Polk, Marion, Lincoln, Benton, Linn, Lane, Deschutes, Coos, Douglas, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath and Umatilla ...
First up, beer writer and big city crime beat journalist Norm Miller celebrated the third anniversary of his not dying this week with some great advice : Three years ago today I nearly died. Still alive. Don’t be like me, go to the doctors, don’t ignore what your body is telling yo...
contended Schmidt had been a disastrous manager — with a majority of the deputy district attorneys in the office voting toendorse Vasquezover Schmidt. He also faulted Schmidt, who had about 5.5 years of prosecutorial experience before he was elected, for being soft on crime by prosecuting fe...
funded bodyguardsto prevent reporters from approaching him. It's a bodyguard double-whammy -- public funds being wasted so a political insider can evade public scrutiny. Knife-throwing at school board meetings is pretty rare. What legitimate reason would a county commissioner have for a security ...