Tree HarvesterCycle Paintings Hunter IllagerEnderthing Moving ElevatorsXP Tome Useful RailroadsMinecraftCapes Useful BackpacksSnow Under Trees Eating AnimationXaero's Minimap ControllingChat Heads Biomes O PlentyTrash Cans Simple MagnetsPhysics Serene SeasonsLeap ...
This mod makes for easy vein mining or tree excavation. It allows you to hold down a key (` by default) while using any tool greater than wood and it will destroy every block of that kind within a certain radius. Features: Mine whole ore veins Cut down whole trees Works with almost ...
The Ore Excavation mod makes for easy vein mining or tree excavation. It allows you to hold down a key (` by default) while using any tool greater than wood and it will destroy every block of that kind within a certain radius. So if you come across a certain ore in a cave, just h...
getOres("treeSapling")) { if (ItemUtil.areItemsSameMatching(stack, other, IItemMatchCriteria.ID, IItemMatchCriteria.WILDCARD)) { return true; } } return false; } Example #21Source File: From customstuff4 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes /** * Gets ...
PrettyNiceOres mod by GiantTree minecraftminecraft-modminecraft-forgejava-8ore UpdatedJul 21, 2019 Java Xenorite is a mod for Minecraft that adds more ores to the game, these ores are either good ore evil in some way or another, giving you good or bad buffs and other interesting effects, ...
Ore Tree V1.4 Update: 1)add 11 sapling : Diamond Spruce Sapling Gold Spruce Sapling Iron Spruce Sapling Lapis Spruce Sapling Redstone Spruce Sapling Emerald Spruce Sapling Coal Spruce Sapling Copper Spruce Sapling Quartz Spruce Sapling Nether Gold Spruce Sapling Ancient Debris Spruce Sapling 2.) Upd...
It's possible to only allow certain pickaxes to harvest ore veins. On first load of the mod a blacklist file is generated. It is located at. This works for modded pickaxe items as well. Some GIFs: Mine any ore in a vein, and all blocks in it are broken: ...