How to merge Ore Excavation Mod: There are a few steps that should be followed according to the protocol. Please have a backup of the Minecraft folder before making any changes to it. Forge API for Minecraft is usually required to have the latest version or make sure you have it. So aft...
2. 模组冲突:另外,也可能是由于其他模组与oreexcavation模组发生了冲突,导致连锁挖矿无法正常工作。你可以尝试单独启用oreexcavation模组,并再次尝试按下快捷键,看看是否能够正常工作。3. 版本不兼容:此外,也可能是由于你使用的版本与oreexcavation模组不兼容。请确保你使用的是最新版本的oreexcavation模组,并且与你的游戏...
类似于 矿石挖掘 (Ore Excavation) ,所有方块都能连锁,边棱、斜角相连也能连锁。热键是`/〜键。按住`/〜键的同时按住shift键,滑动鼠标滚轮可以更改挖掘形状。本会用白线框选出将要破坏的方块,默认最大数量是64。连锁大量的方块时饱和度消耗的非常快,建议准备足够的食物。本模组受EasyExcavate,Ore Excavation...
How to Get Started with Ore Excavation Once you spawn into the game, the mod is already active and ready to be used. While the plugin can be used with just an empty hand for some blocks, it works best when using tools such as an axe or pickaxe. To properly use the mod, there are...
矿物开凿 ore excavation Mod 矿物开凿模组(ore excavation)是一款允许玩家一次挖掘整个矿脉的模组,在里面挖矿或者砍树都会变得简单易行,模组允许你在使用任何比木头大的工具时可以按住一个键,这样它就会在一定半径内摧毁每一个类似的方块。 矿物开凿 ore excavation Mod...
- Event hooks for cross-mod integrations and behaviours Note: Because of some outdated input libraries in Minecraft the excavation key may not work correctly on non-US based keyboards. Try refraining from binding symbols or special characters to this key. Permissions: Yes you may use this in yo...
Download “Ore Excavation Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4”, Most mods add content to the game to alter gameplay, change the creative feel. Ore Excavation Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4 allows players to mine whole veins of ore, cut down whole trees or any other tool based action in one go. Simple easy to un...
The Ore Excavation mod makes for easy vein mining or tree excavation. It allows you to hold down a key (` by default) while using any tool greater than wood and it will destroy every block of that kind within a certain radius.
矿物开凿 Ore Excavation Mod由作者“Funwayguy”所制作。 该mod允许玩家挖掘矿石的全部矿脉,一次砍掉整棵树或任何其他基于工具的动作。 可以通过修改简单易懂的配置来改变工具或方块黑名单,大小限制和速率。可以说OreExcavation是Veinminer的翻版,但是OreExcavation可对基本上所有方块使用 ...
你这个装了一个很烦的mod只要删掉它就可以,这个mod是OreExcavation的附属 2楼2020-03-05 20:31 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示1回复贴,共1页 <返回我的世界mod吧发表...