Lab testing is a high-volume activity that is often overused, leading to wasted resources and inappropriate care. Improving test ordering practices in tertiary care involves deciding where to focus scarce intervention resources, but clear guidance on how to optimize these resources is lacking. We aim...
(1990). Domination and the arts of resistance: Hidden transcripts.Yale University Press. Segal, E. (2018). Social empathy: The art of understanding others. Columbia University Press. Slootmaeckers, K. (2019). Nationalism as competing masculinities: Homophobia as a technology of othering for ...
also measured transcriptomic changes at eight time points (including basal), where a total of 20,936 transcripts were quantified at all time points. These data were not clustered by Yang et al. Hence, first, we identified the significantly changed profiles, in a manner similar to the ...