Following are the Standard PM Order types available in SAP, however additional order types can also be created on need basis PM01 Maintenance order PM02 Maintenance order PM03 Maintenance order/notification PM04 Refurbishment order PM05 Calibration order PM06 Capital investment order 23 Apr 2010 6:...
Step 1 : – Execute t-code “OIOD” in SAP command field and press enter to continue. Step 2 : On change view valid order types by planning plant overview screen, choose new entries button for assignment order types screen. Step 3: On new entries assign valid order types screen, update...
SAP Managed Tags: PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) Guys, I want to have some solution configuration wise here. Q. My system allows to create orders of all the types even if the notification is of let's say "Break Down Maintenance" onl...
in the settings in customizing for the external procurement you can assign the order type for the purchase requisition to the order category 30 (PM-order). This will be valid for all PM-order types and that is really a bottleneck. Right now there is no chance to give PM-order type CS01...
SAP EAM Work Order, PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) Hello everyone, We are actually testing out some new business functions features and the follow up order was one of those. We are just wondering what is the main difference of it compared to sub-orders? Both...
Here we would like to draw your attention toOKP7 transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAPCO-PC (Product Cost Controlling in CO) componentwhich is coming underCO module (Controlling).OKP7 is a transaction code used forCosting Types for PM Orderin SAP. ...
1. create authorization keys in BS52 2. Create User Statuses & assign to Maintenance Order Object types in OIBS 3. Assign the authorization key to one or more user statuses in your status profile. 4. Assign these User Statuses to Order Types in OIOG 5. Define corresponding authorizations ...
SAP Managed Tags: PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) Dear PM colleagues, is it possible to set up the field selection in the PM order header in a way, that the field "planner group" is mandatory for a certain combination of "planning plant" and "order type"?
Hi We are actually in a process of accessing clients system. Some facts which i found out was interesting.Just wanted to know how this culd have been made possible. When
In such cases, you have the option of creating sub-operations for an order, which functions as a superior order and to which a planner group can be assigned. In this way, you can build up an order hierarchy. For more information, see Creating and Displaying a Sub-Operation.Structure...