求深入解读挂单类型 order_type_buy_stop_limit 和 order_type_sell_stop_limit ,拜谢 这两种挂单方式确实理解起来有一点难度 但是我们把它拆分来看就容易理解的多啦 1、buy stop limit=buy stop+buy limit 此挂单方式使用的前提是我们判断行情处于区间震荡然后会向上突破 假设目标价格现在是100,挂单时我们要设置《...
可以这么理解,当股价变动至止损价(Stop Price)之后,当即下一个限价单(Limit Order): 当股价变动到止损价(Stop Price)后,再下一个限价单(Limit Order) 在期权市场里还有几个概念 在多腿期权交易中: 单个腿交易的金额,可能被其他腿的金额折中,比如Buy多付出了1毛钱,而Sell少挣了1毛钱,那么总和还是没有变,所有...
触发的时候以limit order的方式丢到市场上,这里可以设定两个价格,一个是触发stop的价格(stop price),...
l=self.sell(self.intraTradeHigh*(1-self.trailingPrcnt/100),abs(self.pos),True) 大意就是按照self.intraTradeHigh*(1-self.trailingPrcnt/100)的价格,abs(self.pos)的仓位数量发出平仓请求。那么最后一个参数True的含义是什么呢?这里就要谈到之前我忽略的一个概念:StopOrder(止损单)和LimitOrder(限价单) ...
A take-profit order (T/P) is a type of limit order that specifies the exact price at which to close out an open position for a profit. If the price of the security does not reach the limit price, the take-profit order does not get filled.Take-Profit Order(止盈订单)是一种交易订单...
limit order的一大特点就是一定是在这个价格或者更好的价格成交——所以如果是limit buy,就一定是在这个价或者更低的价买入;limit sell就一定是在这个价或更高的价卖出 对应本题Adam的要求,是高于90才能买(而不是低于90买),所以limit buy order就不能使用了——那就是Adam 只能用stop buy的指令了 而对于Brown...
Side:BUY/SELL Quantity: 可选 Units(Shares), % Percent of Position, $ Amount Type: (Default 默认)LIMIT Limit: price(价钱) Cost of Trade TIF: (Default 默认)DAY。其他如EXT功能请看下面订单类型。 你检查一次,确认无误就按“Confirm"下单
The key differences in buy limit and sell stop orders are based on the order type. Understanding these orders requires understanding the differences in a limit order vs. a stop order. A limit order sets a specified price for an order and executes the trade at that price. A buy limit order...
"GTC,stop 90, limit 85 sell"GTC = Good Until Cancelled = Order is in place, and it is valid, good until you cancel the order.Stop 90, 价格一旦到90, 订单就立即触发,激活。”limit 85 sell“ = 限价 85 卖!
Alimit order, sometimes referred to as a pending order, allows investors to buy and sell securities at a certain price in the future. This type of order is used to execute a trade if the price reaches the preset level; the order will not be filled if the price does not reach this lev...