One Piece Film: Red, the most recent movie, is about Shanks and his daughter Uta. The Straw Hats attend a concert hosted by Uta, a famous singer, on Elegia the Island of Music. Things quickly go awry when the attendees discover that Uta is the daughter for Shanks, chief of the Red H...
Capwindow International Co., Ltd has been focusing on hats and caps for over 15 years. We put our reputation and quality in the first place. We devoted to developing friendly business partnership with guests of all over the world and going for a win-win cooperation. ...
Method of the sewing machine of the meshes of a straw for hats, in order to obtain, after dyeing, a particular appearance of relief and undeformableFERNAND STOFFEL
‘Morning,’ Harry said brightly to Ron and Hermione as he joined them at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. ‘What are you looking so pleased about?’ said Ron, eyeing Harry in surprise. ‘Erm ... Quidditch later,’ said Harry happily, pulling a large platter of bacon and eggs ...