By converse, the spectra of globular conformations crucially depend on k; for k = 0, only backbone potential terms (bond-length, bending and torsional angles) are present, so that all conformations have a vibrational spectrum akin to those of coils (Fig. 2b); as k increases, the ...
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Fortunately, if we look at the spectrum of kernels, Ω re- gion covers almost all low-frequency components. For both Gaussian and disk kernels in Fig. 3, Ω region corresponds to the frequency whose power is greater than 0, which is the majority. Meanwhile, for natural images, the ...
Hypersexuality is, however, not part of the spectrum of Cockayne syndrome. We, therefore, searched for alternative explanations, such as drug side effects. As increased libido can be a side effect of methylphenidate, this was tapered. His hypersexuality disappeared and the bilateral orchidectomy ...
An update to this paper, including originally excluded patients, confirms the effectiveness of HCQ+AZ on viral clearance and early discharge . Recommends HCQ for prophylaxis in asymptomatic healthcare workers as found effective in-vitro and in-vivo. CQ is known in nanomedicine research for the ...
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Each spectrum represents the sum of 256 individual spectra, which were subjected to background correction, relative to a representative blank silicon chip. The corrected spectra were then fit to a second-order baseline and the peak locations and widths were modelled with a combination of Lorentzian...
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