4. Delete the billing block and billing the sales order. Choose APP: Create Billing Documents – VF04 Enter the sales order number, change the billing data and the check box order-related. 1.5. Note: the milestone billing could support the partial billing amount, but not the billed quantity...
Billing (Intercompany pricing conditions should be set). AND 1. Customer No. for the Goods Receiving Plant - OMGN 2. Availability Check- Checking Rule (if necessary) - OMGN 3. Assign a Delivery Type for the Delivering Plant - OMGN (for Stock Transport Orders, NLCC) 4. PO type (...
http://help.sap.com/saphelp_470/helpdata/en/4d/2b90dc43ad11d189410000e829fbbd/content.htm http://www.sap-basis-abap.com/mm/configuring-the-stock-transport-order.htm http://www.sap-img.com/sap-sd/configure-intercompany-stock-transport-order.htm Reward if useful. Ravi You must be a reg...
In cash sales, you can process an order for when the customer orders the goods, picks them up, and pays for them immediately. The delivery is processed at the same time as when the order is created and a cash invoice is printed immediately: billing is therefore related to the order, unl...