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“And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk afterothergods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.”Deuteronomy 8:19 (KJB) Started duringthe Pandemic in 2021, theNTEB Gospel Witness Billboard...
his stress on both writing and distributing transcendental literature has become urgently clear. He once asked “why are we so interested in book distribution?” he himself answered, “Because it is distribution of knowledge” through his books. Srila Prabhupada is the eternal Siksa guru of the ...
45 years of rabid reading. A relentless curiosity about everything except butter beans, which are of the devil and should be removed from the planet. A Master’s Degree in History. That’s the start. The rest is filled in by a passion for simple questions, like, “What would happen if...
Clement XIin 1704 and 1715 and by PopeBenedict XIVin 1742. Ancestor veneration and Confucian devotion were said to be inseparable elements of traditional Chinesereligionand hence incompatible with Christian worship and doctrine. Suppression of the Jesuits...
Ancestor veneration and Confucian devotion were said to be inseparable elements of traditional Chinese religion and hence incompatible with Christian worship and doctrine. Suppression of the Jesuits Jesuit mission ruinsRuins of a Jesuit mission near Encarnación, Paraguay.(more) Among the repercussions of...