However, since this order completely ruins the Darth Vader reveal in the original films, it is not advisable that anyone should watch these movies for the first time in this order. Watching Star Wars in chronological order is more of a fun experiment for longtime fans to see the series from...
Here, then, is a brief rundown on how to watch the Star Wars movies in order of chronology on Disney Plus, aka one of the world's best streaming services. Prequel movie trilogy Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace –set 32 years before A New Hope Star Wars Episode II: Attack of...
We get it. When the original trilogy concluded in 1983, the order was pretty simple, and the home-viewing options were fairly limited. Today, the number of live-action Star Wars films has increased to the double digits, and almost half of those movies are prequels. To help you decide, ...
There's more to preparing for the perfect Star Wars movie marathon than just collecting all of the movies. You also need to decide when to watch each of them.
Star Wars in order – The Acolyte is on Disney+ now, so here's how to watch Star Wars in chronological order and the entire Star Wars timeline.
You can always go full-on chaos and watch them in no specific order at all. Any way you slice it, now is a good time to rewatch or catch up; a new trilogy of Star Wars movies is on the horizon, with the first film reportedly slated for release in 2023. Luckily for everyone, the...
Whether you're taking your first steps into a galaxy far, far away or returning to these movies for the 20th time, your first question is probably going to be the same: In what order should I watch the Star Wars movies? With a set of three trilogies---and side stories to boot---th...
How to Watch All of the ‘Star Wars’ Movies in Order By Us Weekly Staff August 10, 2022 Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Lucasfilm/Fox/Kobal/Shutterstock May the Force be with you! The Star Wars universe ...
Between the original trilogy, the prequels, the sequels, the one-offs and TV, there's a lot of Star Wars out there. Here's how to watch all of the Star Wars movies and TV shows in chronological order (and in release order too).
There's only one correct way to watch 'Star Wars' movies, and it's the order in which they were chronologically released. Here's how.