There was, and remains, endless trouble over the Martin Luther King holiday, the sort of stiff-necked, foot-shooting incident for which Arizona politics seem famous. There was Evan Mecham, the eccentric Republican millionaire governor who was impeached, after reducing state government to a ...
M. de Saint-Martin, and D. Pele, "A new representation of weighted order statistic filters", Signal Processing , vol. 54, no. 2, pp.201 -206 1996M. Ropert, F.M. de Saint Martin, D. Pele!, A new representation of weighted order statistic filters, Signal ...
To make sense of our universe, we categorize. I needed to see all black adults as clones of Dr. Martin Luther King, to put them in a favorable box. Likewise, I needed to see my Trenton High School students as good. Interestingly, one of the security guards at Trenton High, a person ...