In this new game in the Lost Lands series, you play as the top student of the Academy of Magic who, alongside an unexpected partner, embarks on an adventure filled with hidden objects, mini-games, puzzles, unforgettable characters, and complex quests to track the mysterious beast and form t...
The Order of the Ancients, also known as the Order of Ancients,[20] the Snake,[21] the Masked Ones, and derisively as the Order of Heretics,[22] was a secretive religious collective which operated throughout the ancient world. It was founded in 1334 BCE by the Egyptian Pharaoh Smenkhk...
Keeping to the theme of futuristic, Sci-fi, post-apocalyptic earth, you play as a new initiate of the Brotherhood of Steel. However, unlike the previous two games, the game is set in the Midwestern United States of America. As the new initiate, you are tasked with taking on different mi...
Lords of Hellas v1 The Lord of the Rings v1 The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth v1.2 The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game v2 The Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation v2 Lords of Waterdeep v2.3 Lost Cities v1.1 M Machina Arcana v1.1 Maharaja v1 Mall of Horror v1.3...
In a crazy journey through the lands of an ancient civilization, facing deranged followers of a mad dictator, fighting against worshippers of a blood god and dangers to come, you must reclaim your lost power and much more to confront your brother Arva. ...
Uncover one of history’s greatest mysteries in a first-person, single-player adventure set between the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark™ and The Last Crusade™. Release date: TBC Add to your Wishlist More upcoming PS5 games Forever Skies Infinity Nikki Legacy of ...
Pre-order now to get the following bonus: - Early access starting on November 4th 2024 Take part in the exodus of a doomed, lost colony! Experience an immersive journey and defend your lands through tactical and strategic battles in an epic, microscopic world. Become #103,683, the Ant Savi...
Wildcard characters can be used to help with word games like crosswords and scrabble where only some of the letters are known, or you have to find an anagram, or with spelling. Definitions include synonyms and antonyms which allows the dictionary to also serve as a thesaurus. The speech func...
Get ready for the mesmerizing story of an adventure game you won't forget. Save the Buried Kingdom! 螢幕擷取畫面 使用者也喜歡 Lost Lands 1: Dark Overlord 免費 + Lost Lands: Ice Spell (free to play) 免費 + Lost Lands: Mistakes of the Past (free to play) 免費 + Darkness ...
Deception, Blather, Con Games, Innuendo, Appear Innocent Intimidate STR Basic Cow, unnerve, bully, or dominate others. Often carries the implied threat of physical violence. Violence, Combat, Interrogation, Politics Intuition INT Basic Trust instincts about people, places, and things. Make ...