This article teaches you how to reverse the order of a list in Excel. For example, we want to reverse the list in column A below.
Reverse the Order of a Long List in ExcelTechnology Q&A
In Excel, you can sort values in ascending or descending. But there is no default way by excel to reverse or flip a list of values. So we couldn't sit like this, we can perform the task using given excel formulas. Let's understand the formula as explained below. ...
In this section, we’ll explore an essential sorting feature in Excel. While the basicsortingmethod allows us to arrange data based on the values in a single column or row, there’s another powerful tool:Custom Sort. This feature enables us to sort based on custom priorities. Here are the...
Hello Community, I am looking to write a simple macro that will look at all the sheet names in my workbook and then rearrange them according to a...
In Excel, go to Data | Sort (I'm using Excel 2007) In the Order column, select "Custom List" On the right-hand side, enter "High, Medium, Low" Click Add and OK Make sure High, Medium, Low is selected in the "Order" column and press OK ...
2.ClickInsert>Module, and then paste the following macro in theModule Window. VBA: Sort sheets in alphabetical / alphanumeric order SubSortWorkBook()'Updateby ExtendofficeDimxResultAsVbMsgBoxResult xTitleId="KutoolsforExcel"xResult=MsgBox("Sort Sheets in Ascending Order?"&Chr(10)&"Clicking No...
XlListDataType XlListObjectSourceType XlLocationInTable XlLookAt XlLookFor XlMailSystem XlMarkerStyle XlMeasurementUnits XlModelChangeSource XlMouseButton XlMousePointer XlMSApplication XlOartHorizontalOverflow XlOartVerticalOverflow XlObjectSize XlOLEType XlOLEVerb XlOrder XlOrientation XlPageBreak XlPageBrea... Thank you in advance! Sub RearrangeSheets()Dim ws As Worksheet Dim orderList()As Variant Dim i As Long ' Definethecustom orderlistorderList=Array("D-Sheet","B-Sheet","F-Sheet","A-Sheet","C-Sheet")' D...
XlPivotTableVersionList XlPlacement XlPlatform XlPortugueseReform XlPrintErrors XlPrintLocation XlPriority XlPropertyDisplayedIn XlProtectedViewCloseReason XlProtectedViewWindowState XlPTSelectionMode XlQueryType XlQuickAnalysisMode XlRangeAutoFormat XlRangeValueDataType XlReferenceStyle XlReferenceType XlRemoveDoc...