For the boundary conditions, [6] assumes zero normal flow across the lateral boundaries, which requires that ψ ′ and v ′ vanish at the side boundary y = 0 , L . The upper and bottom boundaries are chosen at z B = 10 km (tropopause) and z T = 80 km (mesopause), respectively....
For the boundary conditions, [6] assumes zero normal flow across the lateral boundaries, which requires that ψ ′ and v ′ vanish at the side boundary y = 0 , L . The upper and bottom boundaries are chosen at z B = 10 km (tropopause) and z T = 80 km (mesopause), respectively....
If a fully developed turbulence flow is considered, Equation (8) can be integrated to predict the 0.732 value of the momentum thickness 1.2155 = a( t 00a)0d.201i.s505t1a 1 n7 3c+e0.2x15f5r∫o0 m t h e( (l e 0 a ) d3).2i6n8gTe e d ,0g.7e3.2 where where θtr1.2155...