Privately order fast and convenient lab testing online! Get the important blood work or urine tests you need without the hassle of going to a doctor or using insurance.
Ordering your own blood tests online is painless. Thousands of tests, throusands of locations. We make a better online lab ordering experience you can trust in.
Buy your own lab tests online - with the same quality doctors use and trust. Browse 100+ tests, such as those for allergies, heart health, sexual health, and more. is a trusted health resource designed to help patients and caregivers easily order and understand the many lab tests that are a vital part of medical care.
Order discounted blood tests online, visit a lab near you, results within 24 to 48 hours. Lab tests for allergies, heart health, kidney health and more.
If you need a test, order lab tests and at-home test kits through our laboratory partners directly. We partner with certified labs to give you the most reliable and secure experience possible. Make informed health care decisions Most results are ready 1-2 days after samples are received at ... is a trusted health resource designed to help patients and caregivers easily order and understand the many lab tests that are a vital part of medical care. is a trusted health resource designed to help patients and caregivers easily order and understand the many lab tests that are a vital part of medical care.
Need lab work? Skip the doctor's office and order your tests online. Fast, convenient, and affordable. Order now!
Mobile blood draw:If you don't want to or can't drive to a nearby blood lab, we can send somebody directly to you at home or work. This option is available for members in the United States, and it's required for those in Canada. (See details below.) ...