iHEMPx is your one-stop-shop for feminized hemp seeds, hemp starts, CBD, CBG, industrial hemp and certified compliant hemp varietals.
This way, you can invest in the right hemp seeds UK for your growing needs. Consider Your Growing Preferences Consider your growing preferences before buying weed seeds in the UK. Think about your space and the environment where you will grow. Indoor and outdoor growing require different typ...
Autoflowering marijuana seeds produce cannabis plants that switch from the vegetative growth to the flowering stage automatically. This trait comes from a type of wild hemp and lets these plants flower without needing changes in light. Autoflowering seeds can be feminized, meaning they’re bred to...
In France, only hemp’s fibers and seeds can be used. While at the European Union level, hemp flowers can be legally used to produce products, France prohibits the use of hemp flowers, because it has a more rigid interpretation of the United Nations’ Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs fr...
Sinceitscoolersister,marijuana,becamelegalforrecreationaluseinCanadaandmanyAmericanstateslastyear,industrial-usehemp-avarietyofcannabisthatcontainstrivialamountsofweed'smindalteringsubstance,THC- 由于其冷酷的姊妹大麻在去年被加拿大和美国多州列为合法娱乐性药物,工业大麻—各种含有微量致幻成分THC的大麻— ...