如果想在多个列上进行降序排序,必须对每一列指定DESC关键字。 请注意,DESC是DESCENDING的缩写,这两个关键字都可以使用。与DESC相对的是ASC(或ASCENDING),在升序排序时可以指定它。但实际上,ASC没有多大用处,因为升序是默认的(如果既不指定ASC也不指定DESC,则假定为ASC)。 提示:区分大小写和排序顺序 在对文本性数...
11.From the following table, write a SQL query to find those employees whose salary is the same as the salary of FRANK or SANDRINE. Sort the result-set in descending order by salary. Return complete information about the employees. Sample table: employees Sample Solution: SELECT*FROMemployees...
用于对查询出来的语句进行排序,orderby 默认是升序的;降序则用 orderby xxx descending。如果是多条件排序,则在orderby后面写多个排序条件,用 逗号 隔开,如果哪个字段是要降序排列,则在它后面加descending。 2. 案例 (1).单条件升序和降序 例如:获取所有产品信息,并按照单价升序(降序)。 升序 var q = from p ...
order by dept_id; 2》sql比较操作符 between and:在什么范围之内 in(list):在一个列表中 like:模糊查询,即值不是精确的值的时候使用 通配符,即可以代替任何内容的符号 %:通配0到多个字符 _: 当且仅当通配一个字符 转义字符: 默认为\,可以指定 指定的时候用escape 符号指明即可,转义字符只能转义后面的一个...
生成SQL语句为: SELECT[t0].[ContactName], (SELECT COUNT(*)FROM[dbo].[Orders]AS[t1]WHERE[t0].[CustomerID] = [t1].[CustomerID] )AS[OrderCount]FROM[dbo].[Customers]AS[t0] 2.三向联接(There way join): 此演示样例显式联接三个表并分别从每一个表投影出结果: ...
{varcountries =fromrinFormula1.GetChampions()grouprbyr.Countryintogorderbyg.Count()descending, g.Key //如果冠军数相同,就根据关键字来排序,该关键字是国家,因为这是分组所使用的关键字。whereg.Count() >= 2select new{ Country = g.Key, Count = g.Count() };foreach(varitemincountries) ...
Order by clause is used with Select statement for arranging retrieved data in sorted order, using Order by ASC and Order by DESC in Select SQL command.
Learn how to use the SQL ORDER BY command in PostgreSQL. The ORDER BY command is used to sort your result data in ascending or descending order. Follow the i...
public async Task<IActionResult> Index() { var result = (from vAttendanceReport in _context.vAttendanceReport orderby vAttendanceReport.DateAttended descending select vAttendanceReport).GroupBy(x => x.DateAttended).Select(x => x.First()); var results = result.Take(5).ToListAsync(); ret...
Specifies that the values in the specified column should be sorted in ascending or descending order.ASCsorts from the lowest value to highest value.DESCsorts from highest value to lowest value.ASCis the default sort order.NULLvalues are treated as the lowest possible values. ...