dressing room - a room in which you can change clothes greenroom - a backstage room in a theater where performers rest or have visitors home theater, home theatre - television and video equipment designed to reproduce in the home the experience of being in a movie theater ...
CopWatch Camera Man Assaulted by Plain Clothes Officers http://www.copblock.org/1229/copwatch-camera-man-assaulted-by-plain-clothes-officers/ Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe Rep. Kucinich writes letter to Attorney General Holder regarding FBI repression of anti-war and ...
However, taking that middle child shopping for some of his or her very own (new!) clothes now and then is a really good idea. 5. Options If you do take that middle shopping, let them choose their own clothes. In fact, let them choose as many things as possible! Let them choose ...