步骤4:解决 ORDER BY 问题 对于ORDER BY子句不在GROUP BY中的问题,MySQL 会产生错误。这时我们可以使用ANY_VALUE()函数或者GROUP_CONCAT()来解决。以下是解决的示例: SELECTcustomer_name,COUNT(*)ASorder_count,ANY_VALUE(order_date)ASfirst_order_dateFROMordersGROUPBYcustomer_nameORDERBYfirst_order_date; 1....
MySQL Expression 1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list,references column 现象 给数据库升了个级,后台纷纷报错误: 报错信息: Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'xxxx' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT 1. 问题原因: m...
1 1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'general_mills.r.update_date' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT 这里原因提示的很清楚我的SELECT语句中,没有包含GROUP BY排序的依据字段`r.update_date`,在语句中加上就可以解决此问题。 但是此处我并...
[Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'information_schema.PROFILING.SEQ' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by 错误的原因是我mysql版本是5.7的...
@[TOC](mysql报错Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'fusion.m.create_time' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT解决方案) 问题背景 在进行多表关联出现报错:Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references colu...
从前面了解到,查询返回的数据没有特定的顺序,但是检索出来的数据并不是纯粹随机展示的,一般是将他在底层表中出现的顺序显示,可能是最初添加到表中的顺序,如果数据后来经过更新或删除,顺序会受到Mysql重用回收存储的影响,所以排序孕育而出。 子句(clause): SQL 语句由子句构成,有些子句是必需的,有些是可选的。
升级之后,执行sql语句,结果报[Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'information_schema.PROFILING.SEQ' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by 这个...
好郁闷,这句sql看着很正常,可是他就是报错,百度查资料基本都是修mysql的配置文件 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECT item_id from tb_order_item as aa,tb_order as bb WHERE aa.order_id = bb.order_id GROUP BY aa.item_id ORDER BY bb.create_time desc 解决方法 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECT item...
摘要:MySQL升级5.7以后经常会出现这种错误:[Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and co... MySQL升级5.7以后经常会出现这种错误: [Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'information_schema.PROF...
好郁闷,这句sql看着很正常,可是他就是报错,百度查资料基本都是修mysql的配置文件 SELECT item_id from tb_order_item as aa,tb_order as bb...WHERE aa.order_id = bb.order_id GROUP BY aa.item_id ORDE...