An integer or constant can't be specified whenorder_by_expressionappears in a ranking function. For more information, seeSELECT - OVER clause. If a table name is aliased in theFROMclause, only the alias name can be used to qualify its columns in theORDER BYclause. ...
In some cases, MySQL cannot use indexes to resolve the ORDER BY, although it may still use indexes to find the rows that match the WHERE clause. Examples: The query joins many tables, and the columns in the ORDER BY are not all from the first nonconstant table that is used to retriev...
When enable fold constant by BE, the constant expr in order by clause will go wrong. What You Expected? Work normally when enable fold constant function. How to Reproduce? Create a table CREATETABLE`t1` (`k1`int(11)NULLDEFAULT"0"COMMENT"唯一ID",`k2`int(11)NULLDEFAULT"0"COMMENT"") ENG...
It takes a good look at queries actually being run and data selectivity to come up with a good set of indexes for such cases, it also may need to be adjusted in the future. The main thing to watch for if you do not have a full WHERE clause resolved by index is how many rows you...
If only aggregate functions are specified afterSELECTand in theORDER BYclause, aSELECTstatement that opens a loop must not be closed using the statementsENDSELECTorENDWITHwhen reading into a non-table-liketarget area. Currently, SQL expressions are not supported in theORDER BYclause ofSELECTstatemen...
SELECT*FROMt1WHEREkey_part1=constant1ANDkey_part2>constant2ORDERBYkey_part2; In some cases, MySQLcannotuse indexes to resolve theORDER BY, although it may still use indexes to find the rows that match theWHEREclause. Examples: The query usesORDER BYon different indexes: ...
SHOWPLAN does not display a warning but "Include Execution Plan" does for the same query 3 Delete Joined to Derived Table Causes Index Scan and Table Spool 11 Strange query plan when using OR in JOIN clause - Constant scan for every row in table 3 Cross join yields execution plan ...
'VARCHAR' is not a recognized built-in function name. 'WHEN MATCHED' cannot appear more than once in a 'UPDATE' clause of a MERGE statement. "EXECUTE AT" with Dynamic Linked Server Name "explicit value must be specified for identity column in table" error in SQL 2000 "FROM clause have ...
Although the view definition contains an ORDER BY clause, that ORDER BY clause is used only to determine the rows returned by the TOP clause. When querying the view itself, SQL Server does not guarantee the results will be ordered, unless you specify so explicitly, as shown in the following...
aShould any loss be caused to other Party by either Party due to violation to the agreed clauses contained herein, such loss shall include direct loss and any consequential loss thereto, the breaching party shall hold the other party duly indeminified against the loss aforesaid. 如果所有损失...