在大多数数据库系统中(如 MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQL Server、Oracle 等),ORDER BY 语句的默认排序方式是升序(ASCENDING)。这意味着,如果不明确指定排序顺序,查询结果将按照升序排列。 如何指定排序顺序: 如果需要降序排列,可以在列名后添加 DESC 关键字。例如: sql SELECT * FROM your_table_name ORDER BY your_col...
这可能是由小往大 (ascending) 或是由大往小 (descending)。在这种情况下,我们就可以运用 ORDER BY 这个指令来达到我们的目的。 ORDER BY 的语法如下: SELECT "栏位名" FROM "表格名" [WHERE "条件"] ORDER BY "栏位名" [ASC, DESC] [] 代表 WHERE 子句不是一定需要的。不过,如果 WHERE 子句存在的...
NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST Specify whether returned rows containing nulls should appear first or last in the ordering sequence. NULLS LAST is the default for ascending order, and NULLS FIRST is the default for descending order....
ASC = Ascending Order – 这个是缺省的 DESC = Descending Order 下面举个例子: SELECT employee_id, dept, name, age, salary FROM employee_info WHERE dept = 'Sales' ORDER BY salary; 这条SQL语句将从employee_info表中列dept等于'Sales'选择employee_id,、dept、 name、 age和 salary,并且根据他们的sa...
asc:(ascending) 由小往大的顺序列出,升序 desc:(descending) 由大往小的顺序列出,降序 如果两者皆没有被写出的话,默认用asc 多个不同栏位的排序语法 order by "栏位一" [asc, desc], "栏位二" [asc, desc] 首先先以“栏位一”进行升序or降序排列,存在 "栏位一" 的值相等时,再跟据 "栏位二" ...
ASC = Ascending Order – 这个是缺省的 DESC = Descending Order 下面举个例子: SELECT employee_id, dept, name, age, salary FROM employee_info WHERE dept = 'Sales' ORDER BY salary; 这条SQL语句将从employee_info表中列dept等于'Sales'选择employee_id,、dept、 name、 age和 salary,并且根据他们的sa...
一、首先讲讲GROUPBY子句语法: SELECTcolumn1,SUM(column2)FROM"list-of-tables" GROUPBY"column-list"; 这个GROUPBY子句将集中所有的行在一起,它包含了指定列的数据以及允许合计函数来计算一个或者多个列。当然最好解释的方法是给出一个例子啦: 假设我们将从employee表中搜索工资最高的列,可以使用以下的SQL...
ORDER BY favorite_color DESC; More SQL Courses Now look at the order: Note that there’s also an ASC option, which explicitly tells ORDER BY to sort the result set in ascending order. Since sorting is by ascending order by default, the SQL ORDER BY clause usually doesn’t need you to...
SELECTname, address, credit_limitFROMcustomersORDERBYnameASC;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) TheASCinstructs Oracle to sort the rows in ascending order. Because theASCis optional. If you omit it, by default, theORDER BYclause sorts rows by the specified column in ascending or...
empList = (from emp in empList orderby emp.DeptID ascending, emp.Salary descending, emp.EntryTime ascending select emp).ToList(); 完整代码: static void Main(string[] args) { //获取员⼯列表 List<Employee> empList = GetEmployeeList(); List多字段排序,orderBy,ThenBy List多字段排序, order...