用 DESCending 表示按倒序排序(即:从大到小排序)用 ASCending 表示按正序排序(即:从小到大排序)
The sort order for each field can beascending orderor descending order. 每个字段的排序顺序可以是升序或降序. 互联网 Chang 8 is typical delta deposit which has reverse grain size order inascending order. 总体上为下细上粗的反粒序旋回,为典型的三角洲沉积. ...
The opposite of descending order is the ascending order.Ascending orderor decreasing order is the arrangement of things (numbers, quantities) from the lowest value to the highest value. Thus, it is the exact opposite process of descending order. Conclusion Descending orderis, simply put, an arran...
因此,prod_price列以降序排序,而prod_name列(在每个价格内)仍然按标准的升序排序。 警告:在多个列上降序排序 如果想在多个列上进行降序排序,必须对每一列指定DESC关键字。 请注意,DESC是DESCENDING的缩写,这两个关键字都可以使用。与DESC相对的是ASC(或ASCENDING),在升序排序时可以指定它。但实际上,ASC没有多大用...
The elements of vectors are usually allocated contiguous locations in a data area and are placed in descending or ascending order. 通常把数据区中的一片相连单元分配给向量的元素,并按递增或递减顺序存放它们。 www.kuenglish.info 4. The birds were trained, using a food reward, to pick the images...
1) descending order 递减次序 例句>> 2) sort descending 递减排序 3) ascending order 递升次序 4) ascending order 递升序次 5) increasing order 递增次序 6) Levels descent 层次递减法 补充资料:递升 1.顺次提升。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
The sort order for each field can be ascending order ordescending order. 每个字段的排序顺序可以是升序或降序. 互联网 To find the median of a data set array the data in ascending ordescending order. 从一集合中选择给定数量的不同元素而不管被选元素在集合中的排列次序. ...
[diˈsendiŋ ˈɔ:də] 是什么意思 释义 递减次序,降序排列; 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词(n.) The sort order properties are specified in descending order of precedence. 排序顺序属性将以优先级的降序顺序来指定。 You can sort database entries by any labels in ascending or descending orde...
in chronological/numerical order 按时间 / 数字顺序arranged in order of priority/importance/size按优先次序 / 重要性 / 大小排列The results, ranked in descending/ascending order are as follows:结果按递降 / 递升的顺序排列如下:All the procedures must be done in the correct order.一切手...
descending order 降序排列,[数] 递减次序 短语 ascending and descending in order 升降有序 in descending order 递减 Descending order of permanence 存续时间降序排列 The listing page allows CDs to be sorted by title and artist in ascending anddescending order.清单页允许根据标题和艺术家对 ...