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Arrange the following fractions in descending order:45,710,1115,1720(ii)27,1135,914,1328 View Solution Arrange the given fractions in descending order : (i)517,49,712(ii)712,1136,3772. View Solution Arrange the following fractions in ascending order: ...
(6) (7) where are the SU(3) structure constants. The quantities (8) play the role of incoming gluon polarization vectors; here are the initial proton momenta, are the gluon longitudinal momentum fractions and are the (non-zero) gluon transverse momenta. The above effective vertices ensur...
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There is a general SC score and several other scores focusing on specialized categories of legal decisions. When we compute the standard deviation of the SC score for the groups highlighted by the SVH and we compare it with that computed (i) on all the groups of justices observed to vote ...
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