After the industrial revolution, many countries throughout the world were reduced to the status of colonies and semi-colonies. China’s struggle against both imperial rule and colonialism mirrors the fight of all colonized peoples ...
Order11, Rule 21 of the CPCBAPOO M. MALCOLM
Sir I have been awarded compensation in terms of money in cheque bounce case and for realisation of same I filed execution u/o XXI Rule 11(2) CPC and is it right move ?
2016. For example, if the junior officer was drawing more pay in the existing pay structure than the senior by virtue of any advance increments granted to him, the provisions of this subrule should not be invoked to step
I installed this app on 8 January 2024, and since then, the Order Legend app has made over 160 orders worth more than $11K of incremental revenue for my store. This app has boosted our revenue by 14%! The setup for this app was a breeze. After installation and entering a usage-based...
As pointed out by one of the reviewers, it is also possible to use an implicit midpoint rule instead of trapezoidal rule to update the velocity. In tests not documented here, this variant of Boris-SDC showed improved long-term energy errors compared to the variant using trapezoidal rule. How...
The general case is to differentiate the compound function w(z(t))=w∘z(t) with respect to t by applying the chain rule for a first order derivative, or Faà di Bruno’s formula for higher-order ones. Higher-order automatic differentiation (HOAD) is an efficient and accurate technique ...
moreand what is the rule? give full data access to cccp? Reply ? Anonymous KiK 08 Aug 2020 If my understanding is right this "executive order" ban TikTok from doing business with US companies, and this mean they cannot put their app on playstore or app store. Then what about other ...
CPCdelaywritten statementinterpretation of statutesjudicial discretionDelay in the disposal of cases has been a cause of serious concern for the judiciary and the legislature alike. The story of Rule 1 of Order VIII of the Code ofSachdeva, Amit M...
We have filed application to add another party but the ordersheet states we have filed application to withdraw the case It seems u can file an application to recall correct an order within 30 days 1 Under what CPC rule should this application be filed 2