CPCdelaywritten statementinterpretation of statutesjudicial discretionDelay in the disposal of cases has been a cause of serious concern for the judiciary and the legislature alike. The story of Rule 1 of Order VIII of the Code ofSachdeva, Amit M...
Respected Sir T. Kalaisevanji, I am grateful and wants to thank you with your guidelines by your quoted citation, AIR 2002 Madras 206, I have mentioned the properties got by legal heirs in Suit itself, thus saved my suit against legal heirs. thanks a lot for guiding this way....
Comprehensively Study and Apply the Decision of the 18th National Congress of CPC Speed up the Implementation of Strategic Deployment of Promoting Ecologic... Promoting ecological progress is stressed in the report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),highlighting its ...
Using a combination of AI, machine learning, an advanced rule engine, data enrichment, bidding methods and human trainers to optimize your data and ad campaign performance. Attribution Monitoring & Reporting Access a clear breakdown of the orders attributed to our app, providing insights into our ...
“(3) Grant of child care leave to a female Government servant and a single male Government servant under sub-rule (1) shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:- (i) it shall not be granted for more than three spells in a calendar year; ...
The presence of chain rule and the derivative of composite functions allows the nonlinear fractional differential equations to translate into the ordinary differential equation employing wave alteration. To explore such categories of resolutions, the extended tanh-method is accomplished via Conformable ...
If the sanctions really did push Russia down, the result would tend to push the whole world economy toward collapse, because the rest of the world is extremely dependent upon Russia’s fossil fuel exports. In Figure 1, the laws of physics say that there is a proportio...
Order11, Rule 21 of the CPCBAPOO M. MALCOLM
Guiding principles in the matter of Order 38 Rule 5, CPCAnupam Lahiri