Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy WarStatsStarting ClassHoly Blood Thief Fighter - LevelHPStrMagSklSpdLckDefResMovLeadGold 30 80 20 16 20 25 4 18 16 0 0 6,000 SkillsWeaponStarting Items PursuitStealCritical Sword - A Brave Sword Overall...
Is Orcus in out of the abyss? Orcus isthe Demon Prince of Undeath, known as the Blood Lord. After the events of Out of the Abyss, he also holds the mantle of the reigning Prince of Demons after defeating the Demogorgon at Neverlight Grove. ... Orcus is an ancillary character in Out...
Orcus is a demon in the series. Orcus is a sometimes malevolent god of death and one of the gods of the roman underworld in Roman mythology. He is also known as the punisher of broken oaths and so is the Roman equivalent to the Greek god Horkos. He was m